
Welcome to the Registration Portal for  SEC-15.

Early Registration is open until 29th March!

Click here for registration!


Registration Rates:

Undergraduate Student: $10

Graduate Student: $30

Postdoctoral Associate: $40

 Academic/Non-Academic Professional/ Research Scientist: $60

Post-conference mixer: $20

Are you considering submitting an abstract for a poster at the upcoming 15th SEC?

Abstract submission deadline for oral: 15th March

Abstract submission deadline for poster: 29th March

For all Poster Presenters:

• Use a single page pdf or single-slide PPT

• Choose a landscape orientation

• Choose 16:9 aspect ratio

• As much as possible, include more visuals and images

• We recommend that you keep text to a minimum (< 600 words); use as large a font as is

practical, but not less than 6 pt.

The dimensions of the printed posters should be approximately 30” Tall x 40” Wide or 40” Tall x 30” Wide.



Click here to download the Abstract Template!


If you registered but forgot to make payments,

Kindly use this link to make payments for the 15th SEC




Click here to download the regular 15th SEC flyer








(If you have any questions regarding registration/payment, please email [email protected])

All registered participants will receive a copy of the program booklet by email